Prana Studios

Prana Studios, a quality focused artist-driven 3D animation and VFX Studio, based in Los Angeles and Mumbai, is looking for talented, enthusiastic, innovative and dedicated CG and VFX Artists who above all else are passionate about their craft.

Currently hiring for the following positions in our CG Department for upcoming projects:

1. Lighting Artist

2. Compositing  Artist

Talented freshers can also apply.

All queries may be directed through email to and will be held in confidence.

Also send hard copies along with show reel to:

Contact Us
Infinity Park, Building No. 4, 9th Floor,
Gen. A. K. Vaidya Road
Dindoshi, Malad (E)
Mumbai 400097

Website :

Please be assured that if you submit your work in accordance to our guidelines, they will review your work and consider it for the position(s) that you have applied for.

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