SLK studios

SLK studios

Success at SLK is driven by the quality of our people. We are always searching for people who have the ideas to make a difference, the passion to see those ideas through to completion, and the confidence to take the opportunities that our empowered employees are provided.

Our Current Openings:
1. Concept Artist
2. Texture and Shading Artist
3. Animator

If you are ready to explore the exciting opportunities of a career with SLK Studios, we encourage you to take the first step. Send your profile and portfolio to Show off the skills you are proud of, let us know what excites you, and together we can determine if we have a match that makes sense. Pls visit us

SLK Studios
c/o SLK Software Services Pvt. Ltd.
“niran Arcade” #563564
New BEL Road, Sanjaynagar,
PH: 91 80 23515735

Scott Benson
Business Development SVP
2153 Montana Suite C, Santa Monica,’CA 90403
PH: 0013107706418


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